A Beginner’s Guide to Mirror Magic
Mirror magic is an ancient, powerful practice used in witchcraft for self-reflection, protection, divination, and connecting with deities. Mirrors act as portals, reflecting light and energy, making them ideal for amplifying intentions, shielding against negativity, and peering into other realms. Here, we’ll dive into the history of mirror magic, explore its uses, and cover the essential practices for cleansing and securing your magical mirrors.
Planetary Spellwork: A Beginners Guide to the Days of the Week
In witchcraft, each day of the week carries the energy of a specific planet. These planetary rulers offer guidance on the best days for spellcasting, ensuring that your intentions align with the natural energies of the universe. By working with the planet that governs each day, you can amplify your magic and bring about powerful results. Here’s a guide to help you understand which spells to do on each day, according to its planetary ruler.
The History and Evolution of Witchcraft, Paganism, and Wicca
Witchcraft, paganism, and Wicca have deep roots in ancient traditions, each weaving its own intricate tapestry through the fabric of human history. As modern witches, understanding the past while embracing the present is key to embodying our personal power. In this blog post, we’ll explore the history of these practices and discuss how they've evolved, highlighting the differences and similarities that exist today.
Unlocking the Mysteries of Binding Spells
Among the diverse practices within the realm of witchcraft, binding spells stand out as potent tools used for a variety of purposes. These spells, often cloaked in mystery and misconceptions, wield the power to connect, restrict, or even transform energies. In this exploration, we delve into the essence of binding spells, uncovering their significance and the different types that practitioners may wield; we’ll also go over a binding spell that will help end someone’s toxic behavior towards you.
Connecting with the Elements
Witchcraft is a spiritual practice that involves the manipulation of natural energies to bring about desired outcomes. One of the core principles of witchcraft is the connection with the elements of nature: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. These elements help us to connect with the natural world and harness its power for our magic. In this post, we’ll explore how to work with the elements in witchcraft, and understand their strengths, weaknesses and purpose in spells.
Cleansing 101 : A Guide for Baby Witches
In our magical journey, it is essential to maintain balance and cleanse ourselves from negative energies that may hinder our spiritual growth. In this blog post we explore the ancient art of spiritual cleansing, learn how to incorporate it into our daily magical rituals and how to know if we’re actually successful.
Building Confidence In Spell Work
Spell casting is a beautiful and sacred practice that allows witches to manifest their intentions and create positive change. However, many witches may experience doubts or lack confidence in their spell casting abilities. In this blog post, we will explore various strategies and practices to help you build confidence in your spell casting and deepen your connection with your magical abilities.
Menstrual Blood Magic : Tapping Into The Power Within
Of the many practices included in blood magic, none are more powerful and potent than those using menstrual blood. Endowed with mystical properties that have been revered and practiced ritualistically for centuries. In this blog post, we will explore the essence of menstrual blood magic, its history, ethical considerations, how it can be harnessed responsibly and ways it can be used to amplify our witchcraft abilities.
A Beginner’s Guide to Candle Magic
Candle magic is a popular and accessible form of spellwork for witches of all levels. This ancient practice utilizes the energy of fire and the symbolism of candles to manifest intentions and desires. In this beginner's guide, we'll explore the essentials of candle magic and provide you with step-by-step instructions to ensure you can effectively harness its power.
Intro to Modern Witchcraft and Spell Types
Modern day witchcraft has taken a bit of altercations based on folk traditions, superstitions and historical finds on old magic practices and occultism. Witchcraft goes in all directions from a bit of tarot reading for self reflection to full blown animal sacrifices. You can choose what kind of practices you wish to do, you do not have to do everything under the sun to be considered a witch.