Menstrual Blood Magic : Tapping Into The Power Within

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Gather around, lovely witches, as we delve into the fascinating realm of blood magic. A practice steeped in ancient traditions and shrouded in mystery, blood magic has both intrigued and intimidated practitioners throughout the ages. Of the many practices included in blood magic, none are more powerful and potent than those using menstrual blood. Endowed with mystical properties that have been revered and practiced ritualistically for centuries. In this blog post, we will explore the essence of menstrual blood magic, its history, ethical considerations, how it can be harnessed responsibly and ways it can be used to amplify our witchcraft abilities.

History of menstrual blood magic

Throughout history, menstrual blood has been subjective to mythical taboos, and is still heavily stigmatized; even excluded from everyday discussion. However, in cultures where women are traditionally praised, menstruation has been seen as something sacred and powerful that could even give increased psychic abilities strong enough to heal the sick. 

The etymology of the word menstruation is derived from Latin menstruare, meaning monthly, stemming from Greek mene, meaning moon. Historically it has been common that women who menstruate, ovulate during the full moon, representing fullness and life, and bleed during the new moon, representing shedding and release in prepping for the new cycle. For more on the connection between the moon phases and your menstrual cycle and how knowing this can benefit you check out that post next.

According to the Cherokee, menstrual blood was a source of feminine strength and had the power to destroy enemies. 

In Ancient Rome, Pliny the Elder, believed menstruating women had the power to keep crops healthy as well as scare away bad wether and natural disasters. 

In Africa menstrual blood is viewed as so powerful used in magic charms for both purification and destruction. 

In Mayan mythology, the origin story of menstruation comes from the moon goddess, whose monthly flow was given to her as a punishment for sleeping with the sun god. Her blood was stored in 13 jars (representing 13 bleeds in a year), where it transformed into snakes and poison, and was used in potions.

Despise how heavily menstruation is viewed as “unclean” in many religions and cultures, it is notable to consider how it is viewed as a source of power in many ancient traditions such as the ones mentioned here. 

Understanding Menstrual Blood Magic

Blood magic is an age-old form of witchcraft that harnesses the vital life force of one's own blood or that of another being to manifest intentions and work spells. Menstrual blood symbolizes the womb of a women and as such her life and death power source. It is believed that blood, imbued with life energy, holds immense power, making it a potent fuel for magical workings. Blood magic requires skilful and responsible practice, as it deals with intense energies and touches upon the primordial connection between life and magic.

Ethical Considerations in Menstrual Blood Magic

As responsible witches, it is crucial to approach menstrual blood magic with respect, sensitivity, and ethical mindfulness. Consent, both from the practitioner and any other individuals involved, is paramount when considering the use of blood in magical workings. It is also essential to prioritize self-care and ensure that one's health and safety are not compromised during blood magic rituals. Especially when you consider that when you are on your period you may feel drained and maybe even feeling pain. If this is the case it may be best not to try any spell as that would require a lot of energy and will end up draining you quickly.

Additionally, note that is perfectly acceptable to find the whole situation uncomfortable. Many women, especially due to current social astigmatisms, are discouraged from embracing their own menstrual blood as something beautiful and powerful. You do not have to actually use your menstrual blood in magical workings; if you want and have the energy you can simply do spells while on your period. During your bleed, you are inherently more powerful than any other time of the month and by simply taking that opportunity to do any ritual or spell you will be imbuing it with so much more of your power within. 

Safe Practices and Precautions 

Safety should always remain at the forefront when practicing any form of blood magic. Thankfully, due to modern hygienic practices, we are able to harness our menstrual blood quite easily. The best and easiest way is by using a menstrual cup. This is the cleanest way to contain it; you may then transfer it to a secure jar.

Make sure to take precautions when using any form of blood in your magic. Make sure your working area is clean and ready with proper cleaning supplies and ways to dispose of anything you’ll have to discard. 

Ways to use Menstrual Blood in your Magic

Menstrual blood can amplify the effects of any spell or magical object you use it in, as well as being historically used in love spells. However, I highly suggest you do not use menstrual blood in spells you don’t want to be connected to. Menstrual blood binds you to whatever force you choose to apply it to. Meaning you don’t want to use menstrual blood for curses or hexing. If you want to cast a curse or hex, use blood drawn from your body (safely); preferably during a moment of anger. All that being said, finally, let’s get into some of the many ways you can use menstrual blood in your practice. 

Moon Magic

If you checked out my previous post on the moon and your cycle, you’ve seen how tracking your period and what moon phase it aligns with can be beneficial to your current life situations. If you don’t know yet, I highly suggest you check that post out. Once you know what moon phase your period aligns with you can understand what type of spell work may be best suitable for you during this time in your life. Our periods shift from time to time and it is highly due to what we are physically and emotionally going through in life. Moon magic is all about manifestation so this can be very pertinent to creating the life you want. For more on moon magic I suggest you check out my favorite book, Moon Spells : How to Use The Phases of The Moon to Get What You Want by Diane Ahlquist. Diane makes it easily understandable how to work with the moon. 


This is probably the easiest way to get started with menstrual blood magic. Especially if you don’t particularly want to touch blood; although I highly encourage you to let get of the stigmas and just embrace it as a beautiful part of you. When you’re menstruating, your ability to manifest desires heightens so take this opportunity to find a moment to meditate and visualize your desires. If you’re very new to this practice try journaling first and then proceed with meditation while focusing on the goal you want to manifest. You can start out with something small like making an extra $20 and visualizing that money appearing in your account or someone handing it to you.. etc. Visualize how it feels receiving the money, what your reaction is, what you’ll be using the money on… really get into the details.


Menstrual blood can be a great offering to deities, especially Mother Lilith. You can place your blood in a pretty jar, seal it and offer it as a way to deepen your connection with her. Menstrual blood is a very personal gift to offer and shows your devotion and trust which in turn can be rewarded greatly. 

Love and Lust Spells

For a simple love spell, write on a piece of paper, “(Insert name here) is my lover.” Visualize your love being requited as you smear the message with menstrual blood. Afterwards, burn the paper. Optionally you can also light a pink candle during this spell. Be advised, love spells can be very powerful and there can be consequences when messing with someone’s free will. For example, if someone genuinely doesn’t have interest in you and you decide to do a love spell it may work temporarily or it may work but also create a toxic relationship that will end up hurting you heavily.

On the other hand, if you don’t have a particular person in mind that may be even better. Instead you would write out a letter describing your perfect person, “My perfect person is…” make it as detailed as you like. End it with, “This perfect person will show up in my life very soon. So it shall be.” Then proceed with the instructions above.  

Enhance Your Spells

Just as you can write out the love spell listed above you can very well do the same for any kind of spell. If it’s a written spell smear the message with your blood. If it’s a jar spell add a couple drops straight into the jar. If it’s a candle spell you can anoint the candle with a bit of blood and then add herbs accordingly. There are many ways you can add menstrual blood to any spell; from love spells to money spells and especially protection spells. 

Bury it in the Earth

This is a great way to make your connection to Mother Nature stronger. Simply dig a small whole, pour some blood and cover it. Say to yourself “I am connected to Mother Nature, my energy is hers and her energy is mine”. Take some time to meditate as you sit there with your intention. This can be a very grounding practice and can help strengthen your intuition, bring mental clarity and make your magical power within even stronger. 

Period Sex Magic

Much like regular sex magic doing this practice during your period gives you the ability to manifest anything you desire. It’s about tapping into the power of your blood and using this potent energy to create, move, or release something. Simply set your intention before the act. It helps to do a meditation first and write down your goal. When you are in the act make sure you’re fully immersed in the present moment. As you reach climax, you want focus on visualizing vividly what you want to manifest. 

This practice can be super beneficial. Having an orgasm can actually ease period pain. Endorphins are released in the body which kills pain and makes you feel at ease and relaxed. Plus, having sex while bleeding can also shorten your period by increasing the speed at which your uterus blood and tissue sheds. However, really consider who you share blood with through unprotected sex unless you’re already fluid-bonded with them. Having unprotected sex at any point in time can psychically link you to that person and you always want to consider how that can affect you. 


As we conclude our journey through the realm of menstrual blood magic, I hope to have shed light on this enigmatic practice and inspired you lovely witches to approach it with consideration and love for yourself and the magical wonders of your body. Remember, the use of blood in one's craft is a deeply personal choice and should be pursued only after careful consideration and understanding. By tapping into the power within our life force, we can unlock the potential for transformation, growth, and extraordinary manifestations in our witchcraft journeys. Stay curious, stay empowered, and always practice with love at the heart of your magic.


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