How to Know if Lilith is Calling Out to You

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Lilith, Mother of Demons, Goddess of the dark moon, first women to question the patriarchy and challenge those who try to diminish her power. There is many ways the Lilith lore goes. Throughout history she is mentioned time and time again in many ways and with many names. To witches who embrace the dark feminine energy she is mother and a divine guide to help embrace all our power. In this blog post we’ll be discussing the qualities that demonstrate Lilith may be the right deity for you, signs that she may be trying to contact you as well as my personal first encounter with the dark goddess. 

Lilith’s Attributes

Lilith’s attributes are that of feminine freedom, a sense of liberation and equality. With her energy, you’ll want to forge a path back to a more natural state of living and being. Perhaps you are seeking to strip back the conditioning of our patriarchal world, escaping oppression and regaining personal power. Or perhaps you are looking to improve seductive confidence, sexual experiences, and self love. 

Lilith can also be of immense help when doing shadow work especially in regard to healing trauma related to any form of abuse, or loss of a child. She may also help you with embracing the darkness within and understanding the importance of the balance between darkness and light within. 

Signs Lilith is calling out to you

Lilith comes to us in different ways and definitely comes to us in a time of need wether we know we need her or not. 

You may feel drawn to her

Sometimes it may be as simple as this. You hear her name in a movie, show or she pops up on social media and the feeling you get is intrigue. It may start off small but if this feeling continues to grow it may be because she really is trying to push that feeling into you so that you do become inclined to learn more about her and reach out to her. 

Dreams and Visions

Perhaps you have a very vivid dream of her or other symbols that represent her. These symbols include : snakes, bats, red roses (dead or alive), apples, pomegranates, owls, or spiders and so many more things. You may want to check out more of her correspondences on my post; how to work with Lilith.

You may see these symbols in a dream or randomly as you go about your day or maybe even as you try to meditate. Always consider the mundane over supernatural, however, if these appear to you often, especially in 3’s, then you can consider that a sign. 

Tarot Readings

Have you had any of these cards popping up? High priestess, the empress, strength, queen of swords, the moon, the devil. These may be signs that Lilith is trying to contact you. This of courses depends on what types of questions you ask when pulling cards.  

Burning desire for change

You may be feeling a sudden desire for liberation in many different ways, self-expression and healing your inner shadows and traumas. You may be feeling stuck in a situation that just doesn’t feel right to you. Almost like you’re lost, confused, frustrated and maybe even struggling to breathe. This may be Lilith, pushing these things that need to change in plain sight, in order for you to feel the urge to change them. This could very well be the start of your shadow work and in a way Lilith may be trying to encourage you to start it. 

Encountering the dark goddess

I’ve been practicing witchcraft for many years, since way before I was even calling it that. I practiced my monthly manifestations with the moon, doing cleansing rituals and collecting my pretty stones. But I never really worked with any deities. It wasn’t till I started hearing about Lilith that I started getting curious about her. I had heard the stories before but I didn’t really know much about her. Her name kept coming up in conversations, in random places like a book I stumbled upon at Barnes n Noble and even on social media. Every time I got more and more intrigued so I finally decided to look into her and eventually reach out to her. 

This was one of the most memorable experiences for me. I was in a moment of despair, anger and fear. I felt stuck in a toxic relationship far away from home and family. I didn't know what I was going to do next and something told me to grab my moon water, go to the mirror and call to her. I literally drenched my face in moon water and called to her asking for the strength I needed. Within seconds she showed up. It was as if my face started shifting into hers, with a slightly blue/grey tint, deep dark eyes, a chiseled bone structure, and what looked like a snake around her neck and she smiled at me.

At first I was surprised but not scared. She didn't say anything but I felt as if she helped me calm my energy. I felt a sense of calm shower over me as she smiled at me. It was an empowering smile. I felt in control and understood that I was gonna make it through the challenge ahead. She didn’t necessarily speak out to me but somehow I knew exactly what I needed to do in order to get past my troubling situation. 

Is Lilith right for you?

Wether Lilith is or isn’t reaching out to you, if you feel the urge to pursue any of the attributes that correlate to her than perhaps you might want her guidance during this time in your life. You don’t need her to reach out to you first. If you want to do shadow work, embrace the dark feminine energy, are seeking to embody more confidence and take back your power than Lilith may be the right dark goddess for you. Feel free to check out any of the other posts on her such as: Who is Lilith, How to Work with Lilith, Black Moon Lilith Sign. You can also check out my posts on instagram where I constantly show ways to embody her energy.


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