Building Confidence In Spell Work

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Spell casting is a beautiful and sacred practice that allows witches to manifest their intentions and create positive change. However, many witches may experience doubts or lack confidence in their spell casting abilities. In this blog post, we will explore various strategies and practices to help you build confidence in your spell casting and deepen your connection with your magical abilities.

Knowledge is Power

Study and learn about different magical traditions, spells, and correspondences. The more you understand the theories and principles behind spell casting, the more confidence you will have in your abilities. If you want somewhere to start I recommend the list of books I saved on Amazon, which you can find here. You can also check out my posts on the History of Witchcraft and Intro to Modern Witchcraft.

Research different herbs, crystals, candles, and other tools commonly used in spellwork. Understanding their properties and associations will empower you to customize and enhance your spells. For more on this, I highly recommend Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, it is extensive and extremely helpful.

However, don’t let yourself think that you don’t know enough and let that stop you from practicing. It’s good to study and learn as much as you can but don’t let research and reading take so much of your time that it stops you from actually practicing. 

Start Small

Begin with simple spells or rituals before moving on to more complex ones. This allows you to gain experience, understand the process, and build confidence gradually. Focus on spells that align with your strengths or interests. This will help you tap into your natural abilities and build confidence in specific areas of your practice.

Written spells can be a great way to start. Envision your goal manifesting as you are writing it out. Get into full details of it as if it were already happening. You can even do this practice monthly with the new moon. 

Candle spells are very easy to start out too; all you need is a candle and something to light it. Just as you make a wish on candles on your birthday, this is the same concept; just don’t blow out the candle! Let the candle burn as you continue to envision your goal manifesting. For more on candle spells check out my Beginners Guide to Candle Magic.

Trust Your Intuition

Cultivate your intuitive abilities by practicing meditation, visualization, and energy work. These practices will help you develop a stronger connection with your inner knowing.

Listen to your instincts when choosing spell components, setting intentions, or deciding on the timing of your spells. Trusting your intuition will boost your confidence and help you create more authentic and powerful magic.

If you feel you struggle to tap into your intuition check out my post on 8 simple ways to strengthen your intuition.

Journal Your Experiences

Keep a magical journal to record your spell casting experiences, including your intentions, the specific spells you cast, and the outcomes. Reviewing your successes and seeing the tangible results of your magic will boost your confidence. Document any insights, synchronicities, or intuitive messages that arise during your spellwork. This will help you strengthen your connection with the spiritual realm and build trust in your own abilities.

Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity

Understand that not every spell will go as planned, and that's okay. Treat any perceived failures or setbacks as valuable lessons. Learn from them and use them to refine your magical practice. Remember that spell casting is a continuous journey of growth and learning. Each experience, whether successful or not, contributes to your development as a witch. 

I personally have a daily morning routine that helps me ground, center myself and harness the power of my intuition. However, I’d be lying if I said I was consistent with it. Some mornings are difficult emotionally, some mornings I feel as if I’m in a rush and skip a couple steps. I’ve noticed that on those days when I do try and do spells they don’t always turn out as strong as I had hoped. Or they end up flopping (ie candle burning out as soon as I try and light it). 

I don’t let it discourage me, instead I write about it and ask myself what is troubling my mind? What is making today so difficult? Perhaps it’s not a day for spell work but instead shadow work and that usually does end up helping immensely. 

Supportive Community and Mentorship

Seek out like-minded individuals or join online communities to connect with other witches. Sharing experiences, learning from others, and receiving encouragement from a supportive community can greatly boost your confidence. Consider finding a mentor or participating in workshops or classes to deepen your understanding of spell casting and receive personalized guidance.

It may be hard at first to find the right people that align with your values and beliefs but take the time to really explore what is available to you. Look around for nearby witchy shops or even crystal shops if you can’t find more than that. Don’t be afraid to talk to the employees there. You’d be surprised the great connections you can make with someone who knows a bit about pretty rocks. Find people on social media… perhaps check out my accounts if you don’t follow me already ;) 


Building confidence in spell casting is a personal and transformative journey. With knowledge, practice, and trust in your own abilities, you can cultivate a strong sense of confidence in your magical practice. Embrace the process, be patient with yourself, and remember that your unique magic is a powerful force that can bring about positive change in your life and the world around you.


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