Divine Feminine Witchery

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Manifesting with the Moon Phases : A Guide for Beginners

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Moon magic can be very beneficial and for this it is important to understand the power of the moon and its influence on our magic. The lunar phases play a significant role in manifesting our desires and achieving our goals. In this article, we will explore how to work with the different moon phases to enhance our manifestation practice.

Understanding the Moon Phases

Before diving into moon magick, it is essential to have a basic understanding of the moon phases. The moon goes through a cycle of 30 days shifting through different phases, each carrying its own unique energy and significance. These phases include the New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, Waning Crescent and then repeats again. 

There is usually at least one full cycle per month and therefor on full moon per month. Once a year there will be two full moons in one month; the second full moon is known as a blue moon (full of potent energy). Each full moon of the year has a special significance and comes with many names from different cultures but we will get more into that in a later post. 

For the purpose of building a moon manifestation ritual you only need to familiarize yourself with the basic characteristics and attributes of each phase of the moon to effectively work with the its energy. 

New Moon

The new moon is when there is no light reflecting; appearing as the dark side of the moon. The new moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle and is a powerful time for setting intentions. This is a time to plant new seeds of desire and tune into what we want to manifest. 

During this phase, focus on your intentions by setting clear, precise goals. Write down your desires and affirmations and create a ritual that aligns with your intentions. Use this time to meditate and visualize the outcome you want to manifest. Your ritual can include whatever you need to do in order to align your energy and focus on writing your goals. 

Example New Moon Ritual: 

  1. Shower or bathe with spiritually cleansing herbs/oils. 

  2. Set out crystals and candles that align with your manifesting intentions: pink for self love, red for romance, yellow for confidence… for more ideas check out the Dictionary of Magical Correspondences

  3. Sit down and meditate, focus on the energy you are trying to channel. This can also be a great time to call on any deities you work with such as Lilith who happens to be linked to the energy of the dark moon.  

  4. Grab a journal (you may want to have a journal specifically for your moon rituals) and begin to write what you wish to manifest for this coming month. Write as if it were already happening and take the time to go into full details. 

Waxing Crescent Moon

The waxing crescent follows the new moon, when the moon starts appearing as slight sliver. During the waxing crescent phase, the moon is growing and gaining momentum. This is a great time to work on goals that require action and effort. As the energy of the moon is building, we can use this period to create a plan of action and take the first steps towards our goals. Harness the power of this lunar phase to boost your confidence and motivation.

First Quarter Moon

The first quarter is when the moon appears half full. The first quarter moon is a time to take action and persevere. This lunar phase is all about building momentum and making progress. This is a great time to focus on the areas of your life that require persistence and determination. Use this time to make decisions, take risks, and push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

Waxing Gibbous Moon

The waxing gibbous is when the moon is almost full but not quite. As the moon continues to grow, the waxing gibbous phase is a time to fine-tune your intentions and prepare for manifestation. This is an ideal phase to refine your goals and make any necessary adjustments. Use this time to reflect on your progress and make any changes needed to bring your desires into alignment.

Full Moon

The full moon is arguably the most potent lunar phase for manifestation. As the moon reaches its peak, it illuminates the darkness and allows us to see clearly. This is a time of abundance, manifestation, and completion. During this powerful phase, you can use visualization, gratitude, and ritual to harness the energy of the full moon and bring your desires into reality.

Take advantage of the energy the moon carries during this phase by creating a ritual all your own. This is a perfect time to charge and cleanse magical tools as well as a time to cast any kind of spell. 

Example Full Moon:

  1. Place crystals, jewelry, and any other magical tools you like in a bowl and bring them either at a window or somewhere outside where they can get moonlight. 

  2. Place water in a clear container, preferably glass and set it under the moonlight as well. Your water can simply be spring water, or you can experiment with the energy of different types of water such as rain, river, ocean or pond water. This charged water can later be used for drinking, bathing, cooking, cleaning or any form of spell work but we can get more into that in a later post. 

  3. Shower or bathe using any herbs/oils that may match an intention you are trying to set for the night. 

  4. Play music to channel a specific energy and dance. Dance is a powerful ritual that helps release unwanted energy while harnessing the right energy at the same time. 

  5. If you work with deities this is a great time to perform a ritual for them or place offerings on their altar. 

  6. This can also be a great time to perform any spell you’ve been wanting to do. The full moon’s energy works well for any type of spell and can be especially perfect for spell that require a lot of energy.

  7. Finally, take the time to journal, write about how your manifestations are going. What is working for you during this time and what may not be working. Take the time to appreciate and show gratitude for all that you do have and have accomplished thus far. 

Waning Gibbous Moon

As the moon begins to wane, the waning gibbous phase is a time for releasing and letting go. Use this phase to declutter your mind and release any limiting beliefs or negative energy that may be blocking your manifestations. This phase is all about introspection and preparation for the next lunar cycle.

Last Quarter Moon

The last quarter moon, when it is halfway dark again, is a period of change and release. This is a time to evaluate your progress and let go of anything that is holding you back. This phase is all about releasing old patterns and habits that are no longer serving your highest good.

Waning Crescent Moon

The waning crescent moon is the final lunar phase before the new moon. This is a great time for forgiveness and introspection. Use this phase to reflect on the lessons of the current lunar cycle and prepare for the next. This is a time for deep inner work, healing, and meditation, also known as shadow work. Never be afraid of shadow work, this can be hard emotionally but will end up being absolutely rewarding in the long run. 


We have the power to manifest our desires and achieve our goals through the magic of the moon. Utilize these phases to enhance your manifestation practice and unlock your full potential. However, if you find it difficult to start working with the moon or feel it can be overwhelming just remember this is not mandatory at all. It doesn’t make you less of a witch if you don’t resonate with moon rituals and it is completely up to you how intricate or simply you make your rituals. You don’t have to feel the need to do a ritual for every phase of the moon either. You can simply start with the new moon and full moon. You can also skip a ritual if the energy does not feel right to you. Remember to stay true to your intentions and trust in the power of the universe to align with your desires.