Harnessing the Energy of Divination Using Pendulums

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Welcome, lovely witches, to a blog post dedicated to the timeless art of divination. Today, we will explore the fascinating world of pendulums and how they can be used as a powerful tool for receiving guidance and answers from the spiritual realm. Join me as we unlock the secrets of pendulum divination and learn how to harness its energy for our mystical practices.

Understanding Pendulum Divination

Pendulum divination is an ancient practice that enables witches to tap into their intuition and communicate with the divine. It involves using a weighted object, typically a crystal or metal pendant, suspended from a chain or string. The pendulum acts as a conduit between the conscious and subconscious mind, allowing us to receive clear and concise answers to our questions.

Choosing the Perfect Pendulum

Selecting the right pendulum is crucial. It should resonate with your energy and intuition. Spend time exploring different crystals or metals, and choose one that feels right for you. Popular choices include amethyst, clear quartz, or even a plain metal charm. In the shop you can find my favorite amethyst pendulum. I chose amethyst as it is a crystal that aids in divination and channeling your psychic energy. 

Cleanse and charge your pendulum with your intention. Use smoke from a cleansing herb or let it bathe in the light of the full moon, visualizing any stagnant energy being released and replaced with positive, clear vibrations. Do this when you first acquire your pendulum and between every use. 

Preparing for a Pendulum Reading

Find a quiet and serene space where you can focus without distractions. Ensure you are in a relaxed state of mind, free from stress and anxiety. It may help you to meditate prior to doing a reading. 

Establish a clear intention for your divination session. Clearly state your question or the area of your life that you seek guidance in. It is essential to have a focused mindset to receive accurate answers. If you’re seeking guidance from a specific deity you work with or your ancestors or spirit guides make sure to definitively ask them for the guidance. 

Performing a Pendulum Reading

It is important to understand that the energy you are using here is coming from both external and internal forces. Making a connection with your pendulum is important and therefor you need to find its sweet spot.

Here is how to find the sweet spot:

1) place your arm in a firm resting position (elbow on a countertop or resting against your leg)

2) raise your hand up right in front of you holding the pendulum string

3) adjust your hold to a point where the pendulum is now completely still

4) once you’ve found that spot consider making a knot that way you can always remember

It may take a moment to find the right spot. For some people this spot may be different than others. Hold your pendulum delicately between your thumb and forefinger, ensuring it is completely still. Create a connection with your pendulum by focusing on its energy flowing into your own.

Establish the directional responses of your pendulum. Start by asking it simple yes or no questions which you already know the answer to, noting the direction of the pendulum's swing for each. For example, you may ask it to show you the motion for yes and the motion for no. You may establish that a clockwise swing signifies a "yes" response, while a counter-clockwise swing represents a "no." Or swinging up and down can signify “yes” while swinging side to side can signify “no”. The pendulum's movements may vary for each individual, so take note of your personal interpretations.

Begin asking your desired questions, ensuring they are phrased clearly and concisely. Hold the pendulum steady and observe its movements. Trust your intuition and instincts as you interpret the pendulum's responses. This practice is highly intuitive and personal to each witch, so allow your inner wisdom to guide you. Remember, if the movement of your pendulum is ever unclear, repeat your question more loudly or rephrase it.

Tips for Successful Pendulum Divination

Practice regularly to strengthen your connection with your pendulum and improve your intuitive abilities. It can be a great idea to do this practice during a full moon as that is the time the moon has the most charged energy which can be very useful during divination work. 

Remember to ground and center yourself before each session. It helps in attaining a clear and receptive state of mind.

Record your sessions in a journal to track patterns, progress, and insights gained. This will also assist you in building a stronger bond with your pendulum over time.


The realm of divination is vast and enchanting, and using a pendulum is a wonderful way for witches to access divine guidance. By developing a deep connection with your pendulum, honing your intuition, and trusting in its answers, you can unlock new levels of insight and understanding. Embrace the power of pendulum divination and allow it to enrich your magical journey. 


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