7 Witchy Ways to Reclaim Your Power in a Patriarchal Society

7 Witchy Ways to Reclaim Your Power in a Patriarchal Society

With everything happening in the world, many women, queer people, and marginalized communities feel unsafe and powerless. The systems in place are designed to keep us small, afraid, and disconnected from our innate power. But witchcraft has always been a tool for the oppressed—an act of resistance, reclamation, and transformation.

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Unveiling the Mysteries of Tarot: A Guide to Better Understand Your Cards

Unveiling the Mysteries of Tarot: A Guide to Better Understand Your Cards

For centuries, tarot has been a cherished tool for witches, mystics, and seekers, offering profound insights into life’s mysteries. Whether you’re a novice witch or a seasoned practitioner, diving into tarot opens doors to self-discovery, divine guidance, and the enchanting art of storytelling. In this post, we’ll journey through the history of tarot, explore the meaning of each card, and share tips to deepen your connection with the deck.

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Glamour Magic for Beginners : Simple Ways to Embrace Your Inner Enchantment

Glamour Magic for Beginners : Simple Ways to Embrace Your Inner Enchantment

Glamour magic is a powerful, accessible form of witchcraft that allows you to channel energy to enhance your appearance, attract positivity, and transform how others perceive you. It’s all about using intention, visualization, and subtle rituals to embody confidence, beauty, and self-love. Perfect for beginners, glamour magic can be seamlessly woven into your daily routine, from makeup and clothing to personal affirmations and visualization exercises. Let’s dive into some simple yet effective ways to begin working with glamour magic.

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Divine Feminine Energy in A Patriarchal Society

Divine Feminine Energy in A Patriarchal Society

In a world that often prioritizes the logical and the practical, we can sometimes lose touch with the aspects of feminine energy within ourselves. You might have been told to be more assertive, more rational, to hide your emotions or your intuitions. These messages can disconnect us from our inner power. But the divine feminine invites you to remember—to remember the part of you that knows, that feels deeply, that creates effortlessly. This is how we shift from a patriarchy to a matriarchy.

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Planetary Spellwork: A Beginners Guide to the Days of the Week

Planetary Spellwork: A Beginners Guide to the Days of the Week

In witchcraft, each day of the week carries the energy of a specific planet. These planetary rulers offer guidance on the best days for spellcasting, ensuring that your intentions align with the natural energies of the universe. By working with the planet that governs each day, you can amplify your magic and bring about powerful results. Here’s a guide to help you understand which spells to do on each day, according to its planetary ruler.

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Tap Into Your Venusian Energy : Venus in Astrology
Venus, Goddess, Astrology Rosa Venus, Goddess, Astrology Rosa

Tap Into Your Venusian Energy : Venus in Astrology

Venus, the planet named just like the goddess of love, beauty, and sensuality, holds a powerful and alluring energy that witches can tap into for spells, rituals, and personal growth. In astrology, Venus represents all things pleasurable: relationships, aesthetics, luxury, and the way we connect with others on both a physical and emotional level. Venus invites us to explore the divine feminine within and reminds us to embrace our desires and passions unapologetically.

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The History and Evolution of Witchcraft, Paganism, and Wicca

The History and Evolution of Witchcraft, Paganism, and Wicca

Witchcraft, paganism, and Wicca have deep roots in ancient traditions, each weaving its own intricate tapestry through the fabric of human history. As modern witches, understanding the past while embracing the present is key to embodying our personal power. In this blog post, we’ll explore the history of these practices and discuss how they've evolved, highlighting the differences and similarities that exist today.

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How to Work With Venus: Correspondences, Offerings and Spellwork
Venus, Goddess, Beginners Guide Rosa Venus, Goddess, Beginners Guide Rosa

How to Work With Venus: Correspondences, Offerings and Spellwork

Venus, the Roman goddess of love, beauty, and desire, has been revered for centuries as a powerful divine feminine figure. As the Roman counterpart to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, Venus embodies the sensual, creative, and loving aspects of the universe. Working with her energy can enhance your self-love, beauty and pleasure, attract romance and money, and heighten your creativity.

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Understanding Angel Numbers : A Beginners Guide

Understanding Angel Numbers : A Beginners Guide

Angel numbers are a powerful and mystical way the universe communicates with us, offering guidance, support, and insight through repeated number sequences. As witches, we often work with subtle energies, signs, and symbols, and angel numbers are a wonderful tool to enhance our spiritual practices. In this guide, we’ll break down what angel numbers are, how to recognize them, and what they mean for your path as a witch.

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Cord Cutting 101

Cord Cutting 101

Cord cutting rituals have become very popular and for good reason; it’s a very therapeutic thing to do. A cord is referring to an energetic cord that spiritually, mentally and emotionally connects you to either another person, a place or even a habit. If there is something you are trying to release and let go of in your life then a cord cutting ritual can be an affective way to do so. Today we’ll be going over a step by step guide on how to do a cord cutting ritual

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Manifesting with the Moon Phases : A Guide for Beginners

Manifesting with the Moon Phases : A Guide for Beginners

Moon magic can be very beneficial and for this it is important to understand the power of the moon and its influence on our magic. The lunar phases play a significant role in manifesting our desires and achieving our goals. In this article, we will explore how to work with the different moon phases to enhance our manifestation practice.

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Cleansing 101 : A Guide for Baby Witches

Cleansing 101 : A Guide for Baby Witches

In our magical journey, it is essential to maintain balance and cleanse ourselves from negative energies that may hinder our spiritual growth. In this blog post we explore the ancient art of spiritual cleansing, learn how to incorporate it into our daily magical rituals and how to know if we’re actually successful.

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