Divine Feminine Witchery

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How to Work With Venus: Correspondences, Offerings and Spellwork

Venus, the Roman goddess of love, beauty, and desire, has been revered for centuries as a powerful divine feminine figure. As the Roman counterpart to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, Venus embodies the sensual, creative, and loving aspects of the universe. Working with her energy can enhance your self-love, beauty and pleasure, attract romance and money, and heighten your creativity. In this blog post, we'll explore how to connect with Venus, her correspondences, and the types of spell work that align with her energy.

Who Is Venus?

Venus is the embodiment of love in all its forms—romantic love, self-love, and even the love of art and beauty. She represents the harmonious balance of passion and peace, attraction and charm, luxury and indulgence. In mythology, Venus was known for her irresistible allure and ability to bring people together in love. She is also associated with fertility, pleasure, and the power of the heart.

For more on Venus’ mythology be sure to check out my post on: Who is Venus?

How to Connect with Venus

Connecting with Venus can bring warmth and beauty into your life. Whether you're seeking love, artistic inspiration, or a deeper connection to your feminine energy, working with Venus is a beautiful way to invoke grace and enchantment. Here’s how you can invite her energy into your practice:

  1. Research:

    Like anything else, you want to start with research. Take the time to learn about all her mythology, find different sources, different books, other practitioners that work with her. Be sure to also look into her mythology as Aphrodite, as stated above, Aphrodite is her Greek counterpart.

  2. Establish Connection:

    Once you’ve done your research and you know why you want to work with Venus you may began to try and communicate with her. Find a quiet space to ground and center your energy and then get into a meditative state. Take time to connect with Venus by sitting in stillness and envisioning her energy surrounding you. Visualize yourself bathed in a soft pink light, radiating love and beauty. This meditation can help you align with her vibration. A sacral chakra meditation can also be a great way to connect with her. If you want to incorporate music, pick soothing soft sounds or things that remind you of goddess energy or even artist that tend to have that siren sound like Kali Uchis, Cleo Sol, or Jhené Aiko. You may speak out loud or in your mind, call out to the Goddess and let her know why you would like to work with her. Continue to sit in stillness and listen for any subtle energy shifts, noises, thoughts, images that may pop up in your head. This may be her communicating back to you. You can also incorporate a pendulum or tarot reading to help you be sure of any messages you may receive.

  3. Set Up an Altar:

    Create a sacred space dedicated to Venus. Decorate it with her symbols—roses, seashells, and mirrors. Pink, red and even aquamarine candles are ideal, and you may want to include statues or images of Venus to focus your intent. Personalize your altar to fit your specific spellwork and what resonates with you.

  4. Affirmations:

    Speak affirmations of self-love and attraction. Phrases like “I am worthy of love” or “I radiate beauty and joy” can align you with Venus's energy and attract positive vibrations. Incorporate affirmations in your everyday life. Use them as you get ready for your day to help you embody Venus’ goddess energy.

Correspondences of Venus

Using Venus's correspondences in your magic will amplify your connection to her and the results of your spell work. You may also incorporate these as offerings and altar items to be closer connected to her energy.

  • Day of the Week: Friday (a day associated with love, beauty, and pleasure)

  • Colors: Pink, red, green, aquamarine, white, gold, and copper.

  • Crystals and things: Rose quartz (love and self-compassion), aquamarine, emerald (romantic love), copper (beauty and attraction), pearls, seashells (especially clam shell)

  • Flowers: Roses (especially pink or red), violets, lavender, and myrtle

  • Herbs: Mint, thyme, yarrow, marjoram, rosemary, pink Himalayan salt, cinnamon

  • Incense/essential oils/scents: Sandalwood, rose, jasmine, myrrh, vanilla, frankincense, and amber

  • Animals: Doves, swans, and dolphins

  • Planet: Venus

  • Elements: Water (emotion, intuition), Earth (sensuality, grounding)

  • Food: Sweets and pastries (especially those with honey or rose water), bread made with luxurious ingredients like spices and nuts, or even pure honey

  • Drinks: Sweet wine, mead (honey wine)

  • Fruit: Apples and Pomegranates (both associated with love, beauty and sensuality), Figs (fertility and abundance)

  • Personal creations: love poems, art and music

Spell Work with Venus

Working with the energy of Venus in spellwork can enhance love, beauty, self-worth, harmony, and attraction. Here’s a list of different types of spellwork that align with the goddess Venus.

Love Spells

Attraction Spells: To attract romantic love or a soulmate, using ingredients such as rose petals, cinnamon, and rose quartz.

Self-Love Spells: Focused on building confidence, self-worth, and love for oneself, often incorporating mirrors, pink candles, and lavender.

Reconciliation Spells: To heal and rekindle love or restore harmony in a relationship, using honey jars, rose oil, or pink ribbons.

Beauty Spells

Glamour Spells: Enhance physical appearance or charm by using rose water, beauty affirmations, enchanting beauty product, and crystals like rose quartz or moonstone.

Radiance Spells: To cultivate inner beauty and radiate confidence, often involving the use of candles, rose petals, and personal affirmations.

Sensuality and Passion Spells

Aphrodisiac Spells: To heighten sensuality and passion in a romantic relationship, using ingredients like cinnamon, vanilla, jasmine, and red candles.

Fertility Spells: For those seeking to conceive or enhance creativity and abundance, incorporating pomegranates, figs, or emerald crystals.

Harmony and Relationship Spells

Peace and Harmony Spells: To restore balance and ease tensions in relationships, using pink or green candles, lavender, and amethyst.

Commitment Spells: To strengthen commitment in romantic partnerships or foster deeper bonds, using honey, ribbons, and red roses.

Attraction and Magnetism Spells

Personal Magnetism Spells: To boost your natural magnetism and draw others to you, using copper coins (Venus’s metal), mint, and beauty affirmations.

Social Attraction Spells: To enhance friendships and social bonds, using pink candles, sugar, and lavender oil.

Abundance and Prosperity Spells

Wealth Attraction Spells: While Venus is more aligned with love, her energy can also be used to attract abundance and luxury, using ingredients like basil, honey, and gold-colored items.

Prosperity in Love and Relationships: To bring abundance in love and relationships, using green candles, emeralds, or coins.

Art and Creativity Spells

Inspiration Spells: For invoking creativity and artistic expression, using items like seashells, rose oil, and sandalwood incense.

Creative Abundance Spells: To enhance creative projects or ventures, using tools like emerald, copper, or artwork placed on the altar.

Healing and Rejuvenation Spells

Emotional Healing Spells: For those recovering from heartbreak or emotional wounds, using lavender, rose quartz, and a pink candle for healing love energy.

Rejuvenation Spells: To restore energy, beauty, and vitality, using rose oil baths, candles, and personal affirmations of renewal.

Marriage and Union Spells

Handfasting or Wedding Spells: To bless a union, using roses, lavender, and silk ribbons during a wedding or handfasting ceremony.

Marriage Strengthening Spells: To protect and enhance the bond between married couples, using symbols of unity like intertwining ropes or cords, and a mixture of rose and jasmine oils.

Divination and Dreamwork

Love Divination: To seek guidance or answers about love or relationships, using tools like tarot, rose quartz pendulums, or scrying with rosewater.

Venus Dreamwork: Connect with Venus’s energy through dreams, using mugwort, lavender, and a rose petal sachet placed under your pillow to invite visions of love and beauty.

These spellwork types align with Venus’s energies and can be used in rituals or daily practices to invoke her blessings for love, beauty, harmony, and abundance. Always approach spellwork with clear intention and respect for the goddess's energy.

Honoring Venus in Daily Life

You don’t need to perform elaborate rituals to honor Venus. Simply appreciating beauty in your daily life, whether through art, nature, or acts of self-care, aligns you with her energy. Wear soft, romantic colors, enjoy luxurious baths, or indulge in sensual pleasures like fine food, music, or perfumes. Treat yourself with the same love and adoration Venus embodies.

Final Thoughts

Working with Venus can deepen your connection to love, beauty, and sensuality, both in your magical practice and everyday life. Whether you’re seeking love, enhancing your personal charm, or nurturing your creative side, Venus’s energy offers powerful tools for self-discovery and empowerment. By aligning with her, you can tap into the divine feminine in all its forms—graceful, alluring, and endlessly loving.

Do you have a favorite Venus spell or ritual? Share your experiences in the comments below!