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Harnessing Menstrual Blood Magic for Feminine Empowerment with Lilith's Guidance

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Menstrual blood magic is a powerful practice that has been utilized by women for centuries to tap into their innate feminine energy and connect with their bodies on a deeper level. With the assistance of Lilith, the ancient goddess of feminine power and independence, this practice can be even more potent. In this blog post, we will explore ways to incorporate menstrual blood magic for feminine empowerment with the guidance of Lilith.

Using menstrual blood magic for feminine empowerment while embodying Lilith energy involves tapping into the primal, independent, and fiercely feminine aspects associated with the divine goddess Lilith. Lilith is revered as a symbol of feminine power, rebellion, and autonomy, making her an archetype of empowerment for those seeking to reclaim their sovereignty and embrace their authentic selves. As the embodiment of female power and sexuality, she can help women reclaim their autonomy and embrace their true selves.

Understanding Menstrual Blood Magic

Menstrual blood is often seen as a potent source of magical energy due to its connection to the cycles of nature and the creative force of the universe. In many cultures, it is revered as sacred and imbued with mystical properties. When harnessed intentionally, menstrual blood can be used for various purposes, including healing, manifestation, and empowerment. To learn more about the history and general ways to use menstrual blood magic check out the previous post here.

Ways to Incorporate this Powerful Magic Source Into Your Practice

Embracing Self-Awareness and Liberation:

   Start by embracing your menstrual cycle as a powerful expression of your feminine energy and connection to the natural rhythms of life. Recognize that menstruation is not a source of shame or weakness but rather a symbol of your innate power and vitality. Use your menstrual blood as a tool for self-awareness and liberation, harnessing its energy to break free from societal norms and embrace your authentic self in all its wild and untamed glory.

Rituals of Self-Love and Acceptance:

   Incorporate menstrual blood into rituals of self-love and acceptance aimed at celebrating your body, mind, and spirit. Create sacred space for yourself where you can honor your menstrual cycle as a sacred time of rest, reflection, and renewal. Use your menstrual blood to anoint your body, candles, or ritual tools as a symbol of self-love and acceptance, affirming your worthiness and embracing all aspects of your divine feminine nature.

Harnessing Sexual Empowerment:

   Tap into the potent sexual energy associated with Lilith by using menstrual blood in rituals aimed at harnessing sexual empowerment and liberation. Explore your own desires, fantasies, and boundaries without shame or inhibition, embracing the full spectrum of your sexuality as a source of strength and pleasure. Use your menstrual blood to charge erotic talismans, love spells, or sexual healing rituals, empowering yourself to reclaim control over your own pleasure and desires.

Defying Patriarchal Structures:

   Channel Lilith's rebellious spirit by using menstrual blood magic to defy patriarchal structures and reclaim your autonomy and sovereignty as a woman. Challenge societal expectations and norms that seek to suppress or control female sexuality, expression, and power. Use your menstrual blood as a symbol of defiance and resistance, refusing to be confined by outdated gender roles or expectations imposed by others.

Honoring Sisterhood and Unity:

   Honor the sisterhood and unity among women by using menstrual blood magic to foster connection, support, and solidarity with other women. Recognize that menstrual blood is a shared experience that unites women across cultures, ages, and backgrounds. Use your menstrual blood to create rituals of sisterhood and empowerment, coming together with other women to celebrate your collective strength, wisdom, and resilience.

Performing Menstrual Blood Magic with Lilith’s Guidance

1. Preparation:

Before performing any menstrual blood magic ritual, it is essential to set a sacred space and create a conducive environment for the practice. This may involve cleansing the space with herbs or incense, lighting candles, and setting intentions for the ritual.

2. Invocation of Lilith:

Begin by invoking Lilith's presence and inviting her to participate in the ritual. This can be done through prayer, meditation, or reciting a specific invocation that resonates with you. Feel her energy surrounding you and guiding you as you proceed with the ritual.

3. Menstrual Blood Collection:

Collect your menstrual blood in a clean and sterile container during your menstrual cycle. You may use a menstrual cup, tampon, or any other method that feels comfortable and safe for you. Approach this process with reverence and gratitude for the sacredness of your blood. If you plan on using it for a later time, you may preserve it better by placing it in a container with water; use equal parts blood and water. I’ve done this before and can confidently say it held well for at least a month.

4. Ritual Intention Setting:

Once you have collected your menstrual blood, take a moment to clarify your intentions for the ritual. What do you wish to manifest or empower in your life? Focus on these intentions as you proceed with the ritual.

5. Ritual Performance:

There are many ways to perform menstrual blood magic rituals, and the specific method you choose will depend on your preferences and intentions. Some common practices include anointing sacred objects with menstrual blood, creating sigils or symbols, or incorporating blood into spellwork or meditation.

6. Closing and Gratitude:

After completing the ritual, take a moment to thank Lilith for her guidance and presence. Express gratitude for the energy and power that you have invoked during the ritual. Close the sacred space by extinguishing candles and releasing any remaining energy back into the universe.


Incorporating menstrual blood magic for feminine empowerment while embodying Lilith energy is a powerful way to reclaim your sovereignty, embrace your authenticity, and tap into the primal, untamed aspects of your divine feminine nature. By honoring your menstrual cycle as a sacred expression of your power and vitality, you can unleash your inner Lilith and stand boldly in your truth as a fierce and empowered woman. By honoring the sacredness of menstrual blood and connecting with the divine feminine within, women can cultivate a deeper sense of empowerment and autonomy in their lives.

For a deeper dive into menstrual blood magic, cycle syncing and working with Lilith you may want to check out my book; Embodying Lilith, A Guide to Feminine Empowerment.