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Unveiling the Mysteries: A Guide to Tarot Card Reading

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In the world of divination, few tools hold as much intrigue and mystique as the tarot deck. With its rich symbolism, archetypal imagery, and ancient roots, tarot cards serve as potent instruments for gaining insight, guidance, and self-reflection. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a curious beginner, learning to harness the power of tarot can unlock a world of wisdom and intuition. In this guide, we'll explore the basics of tarot card reading and offer practical tips to help you deepen your connection with this sacred tool.

History of Tarot

Tarot has origins in both Europe and Asia. According to historians, the traditional 78 card deck we see nowadays was first popularized in northern Italy during the early fifteenth century. During the sixteenth century, France’s Marseille card patterns were developed, establishing a design style that become the basic structure to what we see in modern tarot cards.

Historically, tarot cards have had a number of uses, including for card games, but today they are primarily used for seeking answers to questions. Often as a quest for divine guidance or inspiration from spirit guides, the universe, our ancestors, gods / goddesses / deities. Readers can experience the card’s answers being given in an uncanny way, revealing something hidden but recognizable in a situation or thought process. The cards can then, work as a tool for unearthing “secrets” buried in the deeper realms of consciousness and experience.

Understanding the Tarot Deck:

Before diving into tarot card reading, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the structure and symbolism of the tarot deck. Here I will be giving you a general understanding of each of the types of cards, however, each card has much more specific meaning and symbolism. This list is meant to be a general guide that may help you when you see those random card readings on social media… or if you’re not sure if the message you see truly is meant for you… when you do decide to get a deck of your own they usually always come with a guide that will help you understand each card in your specific deck.

A standard tarot deck consists of 78 cards, divided into two main categories:

Major Arcana:

The Major Arcana comprises 22 cards that represent significant life themes, spiritual lessons, and archetypal energies. Each card in the Major Arcana carries a unique symbolism and narrative, ranging from The Fool's journey of new beginnings to The World's completion and fulfillment.

The Fool

The seeker, Innocence, Naivety, Courage, Humor, Living in the now, Burst of energy, Everything is open, all paths available, Madness, folly, Instability, Apathy

Winds of change sweep the Fool forward. If returning to queerer one or starting something new, relish your freedom. Trust in new initiatives. If others see a project as foolish or crazy it is mostly their own fear talking.

The Magician

The juggler, The trickster, Power, Divine connection and inspiration, Skill and talent, Enterprise and initiative, Master, Willpower, Self-control, Diplomacy, Subtlety, Dexterity, Leadership, One-man band, Chatterbox

The Magician is talented: a fast thinker and smooth talker with prime physical abilities. Top skills let you make money and the power to reach people’s feelings completes your aces.

The High Priestess (often viewed as a correspondence to Lilith)

Moon goddess, deep knowledge, Intuition, Forseight, Intelligence, Enlightenment, Understanding, Wisdom, Science, Education, Inspiration, Mystery, Gnosis, Divination, Prophecy, Sancuatay, Pride, Egotistical, surface knowledge, Emotional instability, Unforgiving

The High Priestess is the strong, silent type who sees under the surface. It is best to keep your lips sealed for now. Time may be needed in a quiet, private place, seeking greater balance and how you can wisely proceed before speaking truths. Something remains a puzzle; it is time to retreat and introspect.

The Empress (also viewed as a correspondence to Lilith)

The queen, Feminine power, Matriarch, Mother, Fertility, Pleasure, Luxury, Beauty, Success, Initiative, Evolution, Movement, Marriage, Wealth, Over-attachment, Domestic upheaval, Delay, Lack of creativity, Waste

The Empress is the mother figure with creativity in abundance and the ability to welcome and embrace others. It is time to allow comforts, riches and generosity in. Let yourself be cared for in safe hands and want for nothing.

The Emperor

The king, Male power, Authority, Leadership, Proficiency, Wealth, Stability, Perseverance, Endurance, Realization, Effect; being effective, Logic, Experience, Obstruction, Lack of ability, Weak character, Immature, Rebellious

The Emperor can portray the father figure. Masculine strength. Observing authority, embracing responsibility and upholding rules. A true leader. Know that building an empire starts with a plan and the smallest step.

The Hierophant

The pope, Tradition, Convention, Ritual, Symbolism, Ceremony, Religion, Religious practices, Morality, Social approval, Instruction, Philosophy, Universal law, Mercy, Goodness, Forgiveness, Humility, Vulnerability, Impotence, Religious tyranny

Conductor of ceremonies, practices and rituals. A guru or mentor. Observe legal and social protocols and ethics. Work for a higher purpose. Follow the straight and narrow. Working towards the greater good means holding your head up high.

The Lovers

Love, Attraction, Virtue, Compatibility, Harmony, Triumph over trials, Choice, Vacillation, Intuitive decisions, Union, Entanglement, Infidelity, Moral lapse, Vice, Separation, Quarrels, Interference, Inadequacy, Failing tests

The Lovers navigate between head and heart, feeling the pull of temptations and attractions. True love promises letting fulfillment; false love makes you its slave. If we stray or falter, wise action may redeem us.

The Chariot

Journey, Ordeal, Obstacle, Competition, High stakes, Ambition, Discipline, Conquest, Victory, Greatness, Reason triumphs, The work of the will, Right action prevails, Overwhelming odds, Sudden defeat

Fast acting and thinking, the Chariot keeps several plates spinning. It holds the courage to conquer new territory and scale demanding heights. Keep your eyes on the prize while drawing on strength and poise.


Balance, Equilibrium, Equality, Symmetry, Harmony, Integrity, Honor, Fairness, Neutrality, Moderation, Attraction and repulsion polarity, Oversensitivity, Vindication, Self-righteousness, Bigotry, Prejudice, Favoritism, Promise versus threat, Rights abused

Justice works with the natural laws of karma — what goes around comes around and we reap what we sow. There is a need to weigh and balance. Be wary of favoritism.

The Hermit

The seeker, Sage, Wisdom and inspiration from above or within, Vigilance, Fear, Withdrawal, Contemplation, Discretion, Safety, Protection, Seeking truth and justice, Spiritual quest, Understanding, Self-denial, Timidity

The Hermit temporarily lets go of everyday, material concerns and seeks higher guidance. Allow the light within you to glow powerfully and trust in your innermost truth.

Wheel of Fortune

Cycles of life, Destiny, A new cycle, Evolution through progression, Advancement, Success, Manifestation, Unexpected events, Sudden luck, A godsend, Ups and downs, One person’s loss is another’s gain

The Wheel knows that what goes up must come down, sooner or later, but you can always start again. Know where you are along the natural cycles of life and find a way to roll with the changing tides.


Fortitude, Resilience, Strength of mind, Courage, Resolve, Confidence, Integrity, Moral victory, Spiritual rectitude, Endurance, Energy, Action, Vitality, Power, Force, Violence, Abuse of power, Disgrace, Impotence

Discover an inner strength and calm the internal and external demons. Recognize the power of resilience and refuse to give up or give in. Find a smarter way forward.

The Hanged Man

Delay, Sacrifices, Reversals, Decisions on hold, Review, Readjustment, Abandonment, Rejection, Betrayal, Falseness, Trials, Restrained or bound, Caution, Being in limbo, Temporarily unable to go forward

The Hanged Man can see the situation in a totally different way and stop when the way forward is unclear. A temporary suspension or release. If you’re approaching a dead end, know when it makes sense to surrender.


Alteration, Transformation, Loss, ending, or parting, Boredom, Depression, Stagnation, Regeneration needed, Handling failure or disaster, Bereavement, Forced removal, Immobility, Recovery from illness or shock, Transition

Death marks a need for pausing and reflecting. An ending merits breathing space before a beginning. You may be unable to, avoid the inevitable but remember that life goes on.


Moderation, Self control, Economy, Patience, Sterility, Consolidation, Harmony Friendship, Recuperation, Unfulfilled desires, Discord, Stubbornness, Hassles, Clashing of interests, Inactivity, Time, Seasons and climate

Temperance goes at things little by little. Everything comes to he who waits. Maintain a work-life balance and find moderation in all things. Walk the middle line.

The Devil

Mystery, Magic, Astral plane experiences, Fate, Strange occurrences, Catastrophe, Downfall, Negative attitude, Temptations, Deadly sins, Obsession, Enslavement, Bondage, False spirit, Misplaced loyalty, Violence, Fatality

The Devil presents superficial enticements. Going somewhere we know is bad for us will make us suffer eventually. Temptations are attractive, but come at too high a price. Letting fear dictate our actions.

The Tower

House of God, Disruption, Expulsion from an earthly paradise, Divine wrath, Punishment of pride, Rivalry that destroys, Losses, Bankruptcy, Plans ruined, Start again

The Tower’s weak foundations couse a situation to topple. Beware of living beyond your means. You may be experiencing difficult outcomes and feelings, before finding a better path to start afresh.

The Star

Hope, Bright promise, Faith, Recovery, Gifts, Symbols of immortality, Light of the spirit, Light as the tunnels end, Good prospects, New dawn coming, Frustrated expectations

Hope lights the way to a better future. Believe in your talents and follow your star. Don't give up at the first hurdle; success may be just around the corner.

The Moon

Night energy, Twilight, Reflected light, Illusion, Deception, Uncertainty, Errors, Trickery, Dishonesty, Danger, Terror, Power of feelings, Hidden forces, Developments underground undercoves, or in the womb

The Moon conveys intense emotions. Energies press up from below, which feel uncomfortable. Sometimes, things are just not as they seem. Keep it simple. Delay important decisions and actions until any confusing or tricky atmosphere clears.

The Sun

Daylight, Peace, Joy, Pleasure, Contentment, Love, Devotion, Work’s rewards, Accomplishment, Achievement, Success, Engagement, Team efforts bringing good results, Co-creation, Union of male and female, Fertilization

Live in the light of the Sun and experience the positive power of regular nurture. With the right support we can achieve so much. Discover your bliss; you are deserving of good results.


Rebirth, Renewal, Rejuvenation, Awakening of the dead, Result, Judgment, Resurrection, Call to new life, often from the ashes of the old, Rehabilitation, Creation, Promotion.

There is life after death, symbolic or otherwise. When a cycle ends, another begins and out of apparent destruction, chaos, or dormancy comes something promising and new. Listen for a wake up call.

The World

Long journey, Perfection, Completion, Conclusion, Reward, Prize, The Universe including the four seasons, The material world, supported by divine imagination, Power through intelligence and wisdom

The World represents a massive achievement; a well deserved success, Forces come together because the time and conditions are right, and the ultimate point is reached. Time for travel adventure and exploration.

Minor Arcana:

The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles (or Coins). Each suit corresponds to a specific element and represents different aspects of daily life, emotions, intellect, and material concerns. The Minor Arcana cards depict everyday situations, challenges, and opportunities.

The suites are each connected with one of the four natural elements, which have unique characteristics and associations (much like zodiac signs) attached to them as follows:

Cups (Water)

Love, Friendship, Family, Heartfelt involvements, Imagination, Intuition, Spirituality, Desire for fulfillment.

Swords (Air)

Worry, Illness, Trouble and strife, the powers of cords, Communication, Truth, Fairness, Objectivity, Boundaries

Wands (Fire)

Spontaneity, Fast action, Passion, Power, Adrenaline, Life force, Creative fuel and urges, Inspired work, Stroke of genius

Pentacles/Coins (Earth)

Slow and considered activity, Solid growth, money matters, Material interests, Buildings, Possessions, Paid work, Profit, Business, Labor

Each number set across the four suits of 56 minor cards has an underlying association with a specific theme. Sometimes they may seem to contradict one another but are like two sides of the same coin, representing the paradoxes of life. It is up to you to trust your intuition and discern what specific theme resonates with your current situations in life.


Beginnings, Early days, Baby steps, Meagre results, Solo Enterprises, The potential of the whole


Partnership, Division, Harmony, Conflict, Company, Mirror


Sociability, Groups, Communication, Entertainment, Results, Movement


Stability, Solidity, Foundation, Pillar of strength, Rock, Structure


Instability, Change, See-saw, Disintegration, Wild, Rebellion


Regrouping, Victory, Cheering, Success, Recovery, Welcome


Revision, Review, Uncertainty, Need for clarification, Pausing


Determination, Redoubling of efforts, Letting go, Cutting losses, Clarifying feelings


Holding the fort, Hangin in there, Being almost there, Tedium, Complacency


Completion, Ultimate goal, Prizes, Archiving cusses, Rewards, History, Inheritance

The courts, covering four groups according to rank, can signify types of people, usually based on appearance, background, character or age. They may not always be gender, or age specific, although some have various connections in traditional card associations. Individual court card meanings often indicate abstract ideas, states, and circumstances. The courts may also signify behaviors, qualities, or attitudes; their interpretation can help applied to reflect how a person is approaching something or how they need to go about a matter. If the meaning seems negative, it may relate to an approach to avoid. Characteristics associations and qualities per rank group are:


Mature men: Fathers, Bosses, Governors, Trusted leaders, Authority, Taking responsibility, Wise decisions, Protecting the status quo


Women, especially older women: Mothers, Nurturing, Devoted, Supportive, Focused, Truthful, Both reflective and active, Concerned with foundations, security and dependency

Knights/ Cavaliers

Young People, Dynamic, Adventurous, Chivalrous, Romantic, Intensive, Revolutionary energy creating movement and change, Expansive, Goal-oriented

Pages/ Knaves

Young adults, Teenagets and children, Students, apprentices and trainees, Messengers and messages, Intelligence, Curiosity, New information, ideas and opportunities

Tarot Card Reading Basics:

Setting Intentions:

Begin your tarot card reading by setting a clear intention or question. What do you seek guidance or insight on? Formulate your query with clarity and sincerity, as it will serve as the focal point for your reading.

Shuffling and Selecting Cards:

Shuffle the tarot deck thoroughly (stopping after a chosen number of times or when it feels right to do so) while focusing on your intention. You can shuffle the cards in various ways, such as overhand shuffling, riffle shuffling, or spreading them out and mixing them on a table. Once you feel ready, intuitively select the number of cards you wish to draw for your reading.

Interpreting Card Meanings:

Each tarot card carries its own unique symbolism and message. Consult a tarot guidebook or online resources (such as the book on tarot for beginners on my amazon list) to familiarize yourself with the traditional meanings of the cards. A deck usually comes with its own manual.

However, keep in mind that tarot reading is deeply personal and intuitive, so trust your intuition and interpretation of the cards' imagery and symbolism. You can also use a pendulum to help you see if the message you interpret is accurate. I highly recommend pendulums for people just starting out with divination. If you want to know more about how to use a pendulum check out this post next.

Card Spreads:

Tarot card spreads refer to the arrangement of cards drawn for a reading. There are countless spreads to choose from, ranging from simple three-card spreads to more complex layouts like the Celtic Cross. Experiment with different spreads to find one that resonates with your style and intention.

Three of my favorite, go-to tarot spreads are as follows:

Solo Act - A daily focus or of-the-moment, one-card reading. As you are shuffling have a specific question in mind; preferably addressing a specific situation you are facing or just as for a general insight. If the card chosen doesn’t make enough sense on it’s own continue pulling cards to help you come to more clear message.

3 Card Pull - This spread can be applied to any situation or relationship in which you are involved or considering beginning. It can light up a helpful path forward or indicate where and why you should pause. Use visual cues, feeling responses, and the themes of the cards to help work out if you are being offered a red, yellow or green light. The first card: the main atmosphere or feelings around the situation/relationship. The second card: preparation that helps positive progress or steps to avoid. The third card: action needed for the most successful outcome.

5 Card Pull - This is useful for many situations, relationships, enterprises and conundrums. The first card: the basis; how things began. The second card: the central theme; what you already know. The third card: a repeating element; something you keep doing for better or worse. The fourth card: a change of pace; an option open to you, or a solution you might try. The fifth card: the outcome of repeating the chorus or exploring and implementing the bridge.

Intuitive Reading:

In addition to traditional meanings and spreads, trust your intuition and inner wisdom when interpreting tarot cards. Pay attention to your initial impressions, emotions, and insights as you lay out and explore the cards. Your intuition will often provide valuable guidance and clarity beyond the literal interpretation of the cards. Some people choose to read cards in reverse (if you’re card pops out upside down) and they usually interpret it as the opposite of the traditional meaning of that card, however, you can choose to read them all right side up and decide intuitively if this card is meant to be read for its traditional meaning or it’s meant to be the opposite. I personally like to do the latter and base it off what resonates with my question and current life situation.

Practical Tips for Tarot Card Reading

Create a Sacred Space

Set the mood for your tarot card reading by creating a sacred and conducive environment. Light candles, burn incense, or play soft music to enhance the atmosphere and facilitate a deeper connection with the cards.

Ground and Center

Before beginning your reading, take a moment to ground and center yourself. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and visualize roots extending from your body into the earth, anchoring you to the present moment.

Journal Your Readings

Keep a tarot journal to document your readings, interpretations, and insights. Reflect on the messages and themes that emerge during your readings, noting any patterns or synchronicities that resonate with you.

Practice Regularly

Like any skill, tarot card reading requires practice and dedication. Set aside regular time for tarot practice to deepen your connection with the cards and hone your intuition. The more you work with the tarot deck, the more attuned you'll become to its wisdom and guidance. You can do a daily one card pull or perhaps once a week to start your week or reflect towards the end of it, you can even do it simply once a month, such as, during a full moon or new moon.

Be sure to check out my list of recommended tarot decks. These are all beautifully curated decks that are meant to be perfect for beginners.


Tarot card reading is a powerful tool for self-reflection, guidance, and spiritual growth. By familiarizing yourself with the symbolism of the tarot deck, setting clear intentions, and trusting your intuition, you can unlock profound insights and wisdom that illuminate your path. Whether you're seeking clarity, validation, or inspiration, let the tarot cards be your trusted companions on your journey of self-discovery and empowerment.