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Embracing the Shadows : A Guide to Shadow Work

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Welcome, lovely witches, to a mystical exploration of the self. Today, we embark on a captivating journey into the realm of shadow work. Rooted in psychology and ancient mysticism, shadow work invites you to explore the hidden depths of your psyche, confronting and integrating the aspects of yourself that have been suppressed, denied, or disowned. By delving into the shadow self, you can unlock profound healing, self-awareness, and personal empowerment. In this guide, we'll explore what shadow work entails and offer practical techniques to incorporate it into your spiritual practice.

What is Shadow Work?

At its core, shadow work is the process of uncovering and embracing the aspects of ourselves that exist in the shadows – the parts of our psyche that we may have repressed or disowned due to societal conditioning, trauma, or fear. These shadow aspects often manifest as negative emotions, patterns, or behaviors that hold us back from living authentically and fully embracing our power.

The concept of the shadow was popularized by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, who believed that it contains both the dark and light aspects of our personality. According to Jungian psychology, integrating the shadow involves acknowledging and accepting these hidden aspects, thereby achieving wholeness and psychological balance.

“Until you make the unconsious, conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.”

-Carl Jung

How to Practice Shadow Work

Self-Reflection and Journaling

Begin your shadow work journey by engaging in self-reflection and journaling. Set aside dedicated time to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors without judgment. A great time to do this would be during the full moon, which is full of powerful energy you can work with, or the waning moon, a time for reflecting and releasing. Reflect on past experiences, traumas, and recurring patterns in your life. Journaling can help you uncover hidden beliefs and emotions, providing valuable insights into your shadow self.

Shadow work journal prompts

You can look up “shadow work journal prompts” online, there are so many out there. Here are a few very powerful ones, write them down for later:

  • What do you think is your worst trait? Why is it bad? What’s a positive aspect to this trait? 

  • If you could get rid of one memory what would it be? How would you be affected if it no longer existed? If it’s gone how do you think it would affect who you are right now?

  • What are 5 things that make you happy and why? How can you experience these things on a daily basis?

  • In what ways are you putting yourself down? Do you hide this behavior behind humor? How does it make you feel on a deeper level? How do you feel after you’ve made these statements about yourself? 

  • If you could get rid of one habit what would it be? In what way would your life change if you did?

Identify Shadow Traits

Take inventory of the traits, emotions, and behaviors that you perceive as negative or undesirable. These may include anger, jealousy, fear, shame, or insecurity. Instead of viewing these feelings as negative or suppressing them, acknowledge them with compassion and curiosity. Recognize that they are a natural part of the human experience and hold valuable lessons for growth.

Embrace Inner Child Work

Many shadow aspects stem from childhood experiences and conditioning. Embracing inner child work involves nurturing and healing the wounded aspects of your inner child. Visualize yourself as a child and offer love, compassion, and reassurance to any unresolved pain or trauma. By re-parenting your inner child, you can cultivate a sense of safety and wholeness within yourself.

Shadow Integration Rituals

Incorporate ritual and ceremony into your shadow work practice to create a sacred container for transformation. Design rituals that symbolize the process of embracing and integrating your shadow self. This could involve drawing up a cleansing bath or shower, engaging in cathartic release practices such as dance or art, or performing shadow integration meditations.

I personally like to make a whole ritual out of  shadow work. Usually during a waning moon, I’ll take a relaxing shower, visualizing any draining emotions from the day wash away. After which I’ll do yoga and then get into a meditative state. As I’m meditating I reflect on things that may be currently bothering me or make me feel unsettled. I’ll call on Lilith to join me for this shadow practice and light a candle for her. Then I’ll proceed by doing a tarot reading and reflect on what the cards tell me. I’ll journal about the situation being enlightened. On a separate paper I will write in detail what I am letting go of in order to make room for growth. I’ll fold this paper away from me and burn it fully, while it burns I visualize myself releasing everything I need to. 

Self-Reflection with Tarot and Oracle Cards

Tarot and oracle cards provide a symbolic language that can aid in shadow work. Use them as a mirror to reflect upon the aspects of your shadow self that need acknowledgment and integration. Allow the cards to offer guidance, shedding light on areas that require healing.

Shadow Dialogue

Engage in a dialogue with your shadow self to deepen your understanding and integration. This can be done through visualization, meditation, or journaling. Initiate a conversation with your shadow and listen with an open heart. Ask questions such as, "What message do you have for me?" or "What do you need from me?" Be receptive to the insights and wisdom that arise from this inner dialogue.

Seek guidance from Lilith

Lilith, associated with the dark or shadow aspects of ourselves, can offer valuable insights and assistance in shadow work. As a symbol of independence, primal instincts, and the repressed aspects of the psyche, Lilith can guide you through the process of confronting and integrating your own shadow self. Through meditation, journaling, or ritualistic practices invoking Lilith's energy, you can explore your hidden fears, desires, and traumas with courage and honesty. Lilith's archetype serves as a powerful ally in the journey towards wholeness and authenticity. 

If you don’t already work with Lilith but are interested in doing so feel free to check out my blog posts dedicated to her, here. For those of you looking to learn about your personal Lilith placements in you natal chart, I have a beginner friendly guide you can find here.

Practice Compassion and Forgiveness

Shadow work can be intense and challenging, but it is essential to approach it with compassion and forgiveness. Be gentle with yourself as you confront difficult emotions and memories. Release any self-judgment or shame and embrace yourself with unconditional love and acceptance. Remember that shadow work is a journey of self-discovery and transformation, and every step forward is a testament to your courage and resilience.

If you are choosing to deal with a trauma that has shaped you so much to this day understand that it is going to take some time to get through that and it may bring up a lot of horrible memories for you. It is going to be difficult and this is something that may be really good to do with a therapist so they can help you work through these things in a healthy manner.

Tips to make shadow work easier

Start with desires

You can start with your inner desires or the things that you want to do or be. Grab your journal and start a section where you write down all the things that you would like to be part of your life all the time. What are things that you may be too afraid to show people or talk about? Write down your desires, go from the most surface level, simple things, that are easier to explore, and then go deeper and deeper.

Take yourself out of the equation

It’s easier to start by taking yourself out of the situation and look at it from an outside point of view. Point out certain patterns or habits in certain situations and simply observe and understand. Visual meditation can be a great way to do this, but journaling can really help bring closure to the questions at hand. Regardless of how you do it, documenting is a very important part of shadow work. 

Practice self awareness 

Practice realizing when you’re instinctively reacting to a situation and understand the patterns. Learning self-awareness before you react can be quite challenging and takes a lot of practice. If you are in a certain situation that instantly makes you want to act on emotions, instead of reacting the way you first want to react, pause and recognize it. 


Shadow work is a profound and transformative practice that holds the potential for deep healing and personal growth. Embrace the shadows, for in their depths lie the keys to your untapped power and wisdom. Embrace the shadows, and you shall illuminate your path to wholeness.