Moon Phases and the Menstrual Cycle : What is your Moon Cycle?

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A women’s menstrual cycle is much more than just bleeding roughly every 28 days. Much like the moon phases the menstrual phases signify our connection to Mother Earth. It is a balance of rest and rise, it is waxing and waning, shadow and light, yin and yang. And much like learning how to be in tune with the phases of the moon, becoming in tune with the phases of the menstrual cycle will help empower your manifestation abilities, enhance your spells, your intuition and overall help you be more in tune with the divine feminine within. 

In this article we’ll be going over the different menstrual phases being aligned to the moon phases, and how being in tune with your cycle can benefit you and your craft during that specific cycle type.

Menstrual blood is a very powerful source of life and death energy. If you want to know more about ways to incorporate menstrual blood in your spells and rituals I’ll have a separate post for that so stay tuned. 

Understanding the Moon Phases

The energy of the moon is at its lowest during the new moon much like day 1 of the menstrual cycle. It is a time for setting your intentions for the following month. The full moon is full of high energy similar to ovulation time. This is when your manifestations come about. 

White, Red, Pink, Purple Moon Cycles

The moon phase correlated to the time you menstruate indicates what type of cycle you have. You may or may not have heard the terms before; white, red, pink or purple moon cycle. These refer to the time you bleed correlated to the moon phase at that time. This is what will help you indicate what phase you may be going through in your lifetime and from this you can know how to navigate through life effortlessly. 

The White Moon Cycle : Following the Moon Phases

The white moon cycle means you bleed around the new moon and ovulate during the full moon. This means your cycle is in tune with the moon phases as it is a mirror of that same energy. This is the most common cycle. 

Having a white moon cycle is said to represent the Mother phase of life. This could mean you could be maturing into a more confident, nurturing leader, stepping away from those teenage and early 20’s insecurities. 

This signifies a time in your life where you may want to pull energy inward towards you and harness this to replenish and deepen your emotional, mental, and spiritual energies.

Having a white moon cycle means much like the moon your energy is best harnessed during the new moon. This is the time to prepare and set intentions. During the waxing moon you act on your intentions, during the full moon your manifestations have the most potential and by the waning moon you’ll start to reflect and prepare again for the next cycle. 

Bleeding with the new moon means it’s a great time to practice self-love rituals, incorporating practices that bring you closer to Mother Earth, and using the natural elements as they will enhance your spells. Practice these acts during the new moon. 

The Pink Moon Cycle : The Waxing Moon Phase

The pink moon cycle means you bleed more than 3 days before the full moon; during the waxing moon. The waxing moon is right after the new moon, when the moon light begins to grow. Just as the waxing moon is about acting on the intentions you set in the new moon, this is a time where you to take initiative and begin trying new things without worrying about failing. 

The pink moon cycle is said to be linked to the maiden archetype. This is a time full of new enthusiasm, mental clarity, and physical vigour, ready to go forth and take on the world.

This also may indicate that you may be wrestling with a new stage of self-discovery. It is a pivotal moment in your life and by using your intuition you’ll be able to navigate through it effortlessly. 

Bleeding with the waxing moon is a great time to practice ways to strengthen your intuition. Your intuition is one of your biggest assets as a witch. Consider implementing grounding and divination rituals to strengthen your intuition. 

The Red Moon Cycle : Harnessing the Full Moon

Having the red moon cycle means your bleed starts within 3 days either side of the full moon. The full moon is a time of release and the time when your manifestation are coming to life. 

It is least common to have a red moon cycle, however this is said to be the correlated to the wise women archetype. Meaning this is a time to be focused on channeling your creative energy outward. This is about sharing your learnings, creating, and bringing something new into the world. 

Bleeding with the full moon is a perfect time for channeling your creative energy. Everything you learn and experience helps to empower you from within, and this then enables you to empower the women around you. Incorporate practices for healing and guiding others as the full moon will help you harness these abilities. 

The Purple Moon Cycle : The Waning Moon Phase

To have the purple moon cycle means you bleed more than 3 days before the new moon; while the moon is waning. The waning moon is when the moon goes from fullness and strength to reflection and rest. 

You are very intuitively connected at this time. It’s about developing your knowledge and being stable. The purple moon cycle may symbolise you entering a quieter stage of your life, or exploring your shadow self.

Bleeding with the waning moon gives you a great opportunity to release energy, act out cord cutting rituals and banish anything that no longer serves you. Practice these acts during the waning moon. 

What if you do not bleed?

If you are a man, pre-menopausal, have gone through the menopause, on a contraceptive or have any other reason for not having a regular cycle, this means you can use the Moon as your main cycle. Follow the natural rhythms of the moon.

We are all naturally called to live in a cycle based lifestyle, no matter your physical gender. By getting into the flow of the moon, you can feel each season of the cycle as much as someone with a menstrual cycle. Our connection to the moon and Mother Earth helps us harness the energy and divine power within that allows us to live to our full potential. 

The power of being in tune with your cycle

Realizing which moon cycle you currently are in is not about labeling yourself or restricting what you do. It is all fluid and your ‘type’ of cycle can change within a few years or even from month to month. It’s all about noticing, observing, reflecting and thinking about what it means for you. Recognizing this will help you channel your divine power within and help you in every aspect of life. 


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