Divine Feminine Witchery

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The Misconception of Friday the 13th: From Bad Luck to Divine Feminine Energy

Friday the 13th is often associated with bad luck, superstition, and a general sense of unease. Many people avoid making major decisions, traveling, or embarking on new endeavors on this day due to its reputation. But where did this idea come from, and is it truly an unlucky day? Let's explore the roots of this misconception and uncover the deeper, magical, and spiritual significance of Friday the 13th—especially in relation to divine feminine energy.

The Origins of the "Unlucky" Friday the 13th Myth

The fear of Friday the 13th, known as "triskaidekaphobia" (the fear of the number 13), is deeply embedded in Western culture. Many of its origins are thought to stem from historical and religious sources.

Christianity: One of the most prominent reasons is rooted in Christian tradition. The Last Supper, held on the eve of Christ's crucifixion, had 13 attendees. Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus, was said to be the 13th guest at the table. Additionally, Jesus was crucified on a Friday, further linking both the day and the number 13 to misfortune.

Norse Mythology: There’s a similar tale in Norse mythology where Loki, the god of mischief, was the 13th guest at a banquet in Valhalla. His presence led to chaos and destruction, reinforcing the negative connotations surrounding the number 13.

As time went on, these beliefs transformed into widespread superstition, and people began to avoid the number 13—whether it be buildings skipping the 13th floor, or avoiding any major activity on Friday the 13th altogether.

Friday the 13th: A Day of Magic and Spiritual Power

In contrast to the fear-based superstitions, there is a rich, ancient history that views Friday the 13th as a day of spiritual power, transformation, and divine connection—especially for those who practice magic and connect with the divine feminine energy.

The Power of 13

Far from being unlucky, the number 13 is highly significant in spirituality, particularly in relation to the divine feminine. There are 13 lunar cycles in a year, and the moon is a symbol of intuition, mysticism, and feminine power. Women, in particular, are biologically attuned to the lunar cycle through their menstrual cycles. This number, rather than being feared, is a representation of the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth—a central theme in witchcraft and many spiritual practices.

The Day of Venus

Friday is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility in Roman mythology (known as Aphrodite in Greek mythology). Venus embodies the essence of divine feminine energy—sensuality, creativity, love, and emotional wisdom. When Friday coincides with the number 13, it creates a powerful union of Venusian energy with the mystical significance of the lunar cycle. If you want to learn more about Venus, check out my blog post Venus: Who is She and Why Work With Her.

Witches and Sacred Feminine Rituals

In ancient times, women would gather in circles on the 13th day of the month, especially during the full moon, to perform rituals, honor the goddess, and celebrate their connection to nature and the divine feminine. This was a time for women to reclaim their power, tap into their intuitive gifts, and engage in sacred ceremonies. The patriarchal fear of this power could have been one reason why the day was vilified in later times.

Embracing Friday the 13th as a Sacred Day

For modern witches and spiritual practitioners, Friday the 13th holds a special place as a day to honor the divine feminine energy and tap into the magical forces of the universe. Here are a few ways to reclaim Friday the 13th as a day of empowerment rather than fear:

Set Intentions

Use this day to focus on what you want to manifest in your life. Whether it's love, healing, creativity, or abundance, Friday the 13th is an auspicious day to plant the seeds for transformation.

Honor the Goddess

This day is ideal for honoring the goddesses of love, beauty, and fertility, such as Venus, Freyja, or any deity you feel connected to. Set up an altar with flowers, candles, and offerings as a way to invite their energy into your life.

Moon Rituals

With its connection to lunar energy, Friday the 13th is a potent time for moon rituals. Consider working with crystals like moonstone, amethyst, or selenite to enhance your intuition, clarity, and spiritual vision. If you want to learn more about lunar magic check out some of my posts on that, such as: Witchcraft and the Phases of The Moon, The Magic of Moon Water, and Manifesting With The Moon Phases.

Embrace Your Inner Power

Friday the 13th encourages you to step into your power and embrace your inner wisdom. Reflect on your cycles, your intuition, and your unique spiritual gifts. This is a time to break free from societal fears and reclaim your divine feminine energy.


Far from being an unlucky day, Friday the 13th holds deep magical and spiritual significance, especially for those attuned to divine feminine energy. By reclaiming its true power, we can honor our connection to the cycles of nature, the wisdom of the moon, and the magic that resides within each of us. Whether you perform a ritual, set intentions, or simply reflect on the beauty of the divine feminine, Friday the 13th can be transformed from a day of superstition into a day of empowerment and spiritual renewal.