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The Magic of Moon Water : Exploring the Different Types and their Uses

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Welcome, lovely witches, to a fascinating journey into the enchanting world of moon water. As witches, we can harness the powerful energy of the moon to enhance our spells, rituals, and everyday life. Moon water, charged with the energy of the moon, is a versatile tool for any witch. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of moon water and their various uses.

What is Moon Water?

Moon water is highly talked about in witchcraft especially to remind you to make some during a full moon. However, it does seem like no one really explains exactly what it is. Moon water is very simple to make and use. Grab a clear container and fill it with pure water and leave it out under the moon light to absorb its energy; and that is moon water. This water can then be used for various spells and rituals.

Once you’ve gotten the hang of simple moon water you may want to consider exploring different types of water for different energies; such as ocean water to channel siren energy or a deity such as the Greek Goddess Selene… There’s also river water, pond water or even rose water and many more variations. But for this post we’ll be simply going over the basics, using pure water. Once you’ve charged your water you can label it and keep it at room temperature or in the fridge for later use.

Types of Moon Water

The most popular type of moon water is full moon water. This type of water can be the most versatile which is why it is the most talked about. If you want to go more in depth with full moon water magic, you should understand that moon water takes on the properties of the astrological sign the full moon is in, but for that we can do a separate post. Aside from the full moon you can charge water under the different phases of the moon to work with it in different ways.

Full Moon Water

During the full moon phase, the moon's energy is at its peak. Full moon water is charged with strong and abundant energy. It can be used for banishing negativity, amplifying intentions, and enhancing spellwork. Full moon water is excellent for charging crystals, talismans, and sacred objects as well as enhancing the energy of any spell.

New Moon Water

The new moon phase represents new beginnings and fresh starts. New moon water possesses a rejuvenating and transformative energy. You can use it to set intentions for growth, manifesting desires, and starting new projects. New moon water is ideal for fertility spells, attracting abundance, and enhancing personal growth.

Waxing Moon Water

The waxing moon phase is associated with growth and abundance. Waxing moon water carries a dynamic energy that promotes progress, expansion, and attracting positive opportunities. It is perfect for rituals related to personal development, career advancement, and attracting love.

Waning Moon Water

The waning moon phase is a time for release, letting go, and banishing negative energies. Waning moon water can be used for cleansing, purifying, and removing obstacles. This type of moon water is excellent for banishing practices, breaking bad habits, and removing negative influences.

Blue Moon Water

A blue moon is the second full moon that occurs within the same month; this happens only once a year. Blue moon water holds a unique and rare energy. It is particularly potent for invoking inner wisdom, enhancing intuition, and deepening spiritual connections. Blue moon water can be incorporated into divination rituals, meditation practices, and enhancing psychic abilities. Fun fact, when I first reached out to Lilith I only used blue moon water and it was very effective.

Utilizing Moon Water in Various Ways

Spellwork and Rituals

Moon water can be added to spell ingredients, potions, and ritual baths to amplify their energy. Use the appropriate type of moon water based on the goal of your spell or ritual. Intentionally charge the water under the moon's light, infusing it with your intentions and desires.

Cleansing and Purification

Sprinkle moon water around your home, altar, or sacred space to cleanse and purify the energy. You can also add moon water to a spray bottle and mist it around to clear negative vibrations. Use waning moon water for banishing negativity and full moon water for amplifying positive energy.

Enhancing Divination

Before a divination session, anoint your tools such as tarot cards, crystals, or scrying mirrors with moon water to enhance their energy. This can facilitate a heightened spiritual connection and intuition, allowing for more accurate readings.

Charging Crystals and Talismans

Immerse your crystals or talismans in a bowl of moon water overnight; but please make sure your crystals are safe in water, not all of them are. The moon water will cleanse and infuse them with the moon's energy, increasing their magical properties. Remember to choose the appropriate type of moon water based on the intention you have for the crystals or talismans.

Personal and Spiritual Growth

Drinking a few sips of moon water can infuse your body with lunar energy, aiding in personal and spiritual growth. Set intentions while drinking the water, visualizing the desired outcomes. This practice promotes self-awareness and alignment with the moon's transformative energies.


Moon water is a versatile and powerful tool for witches. By understanding the different types and their uses, we can harness the potent energy of the moon to enhance our magical practices, rituals, and everyday lives. Remember to charge your moon water under the moon's light and infuse it with your intentions. If this is a new practice for you perhaps consider trying it only during the full moon since that energy can be used for just about any type of goals. Embrace the hidden powers of the moon and watch your spells soar to new heights.