Divine Feminine Witchery

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A Beginner’s Guide to Candle Magic

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Candle magic is a popular and accessible form of spellwork for witches of all levels. This ancient practice utilizes the energy of fire and the symbolism of candles to manifest intentions and desires. In this beginner's guide, we'll explore the essentials of candle magic and provide you with step-by-step instructions to ensure you can effectively harness its power.

Step 1: Setting Your Intention

Begin by clarifying your intention for the spell. What do you wish to manifest or attract? Be specific and clear with your intention. If you struggle to visualize your goal, try grounding first and then writing it out. 

Step 2: Choosing the Right Candle

Select a candle that aligns with your intention. Different colors correspond to different purposes:

White: Represents purity, clarity, lunar energy, and spiritual enlightenment. (White can also replace other colors when necessary.)

Red: Symbolizes passion, love, courage, strength, vitality and fertility.

Orange: Causes stimulating energy, attracting success in legal matters and new home matters, helps with mental clarity.

Yellow: Represents confidence and attraction, helps with creativity, inspire wisdom, psychic powers and unity.

Gold: Fosters understanding and attracts the power of cosmic influences, can help bring fast luck in urgent matters.

Green: Associated with abundance, fertility, physical healing, success, money, and can even counteract greed and jealousy.

Blue: Signifies communication, tranquility, emotional healing, protection during sleep and can help aid in prophetic dreams.

Dark Blue: Represents loyalty, promotes laughter and joviality.

Light Blue: Enhance spirituality; helpful in devotional and inspirational meditation.

Pink: Symbolizes love, helps with romance, self-love, friendship, honor, fidelity, and draw affection.

Purple: Associated with psychic abilities, spirituality, intuition, independence, and spiritual growth.

Indigo: Can help stop situations or people’s intentions, aid in rituals requiring deep meditation.

Magenta: A combination of red and violet that oscillates on high frequency, perfect for immediate action associated to the properties of red or violet/purple.

Black: Signifies protection, banishing, releasing negative energy, aids in grounding energy and revealing secrets.

Brown: Perfect for animal magic, such as protecting or healing your pet, protection of the home, can also be used for concentration, study and telepathy.

If you have trouble finding colored candles check out the candles in the starter kit list on my Amazon favorites.

Step 3: Cleansing and Charging

Before using your candle, cleanse it of any negative energy. You can do this by passing the candle through incense smoke, sage or holding it under running water while visualizing the release of any unwanted energy.

Charge your candle with your intention by holding it in your hands, closing your eyes, and visualizing your desire flowing into the candle; do this for a few minutes. Optionally, offer a few words or a simple prayer to further infuse the candle with your intention.

If you wish to channel a deity and ask them to strengthen your spell work this is a great time to do so. 

Step 4: Preparation and Ritual

Find a quiet and undisturbed space to perform the ritual. This can be your sacred space (altar) or a designated area. 

Light some incense or smudge bundle to purify the space and create a sacred ambiance.

Arrange any additional tools or items associated with your intention, such as crystals, herbs, or sigils. Dress your candle using a carrier oil and then add the herbs, alternatively, place herbs, crystals, salt or sigils around your candle. Keep in mind these are simply additions and a candle spell can work just as well with only the candle itself. Think of these additions like adding an extra pinch of spice to a stew in order to enhance the flavors.

Step 5: Lighting the Candle

Take a moment to center yourself and focus on your intention.

Use a match or a lighter to ignite the candle. As you do so, verbalize or silently affirm your intention, stating it clearly and confidently.

Pay attention to the flame and any signs or symbols that may appear during the burning process, as these can provide insight or confirmation. (For flame interpretations check out the latest instagram post).

Step 6: Visualization and Meditation

Sit in front of the candle and fix your gaze upon the flame, allowing your mind to enter a meditative state. Envision your intention manifesting and immerse yourself in the emotions associated with its fulfillment. You can repeat affirmations or mantras that correspond to your intention to amplify its power.

Step 7: Closing the Ritual

Once you feel connected to your intention and have spent enough time in meditation, either let the candle completely burn out on its own or, if it’s a several day candle, extinguish it gently and respectfully with a snuffer or by smothering the flame with a non-flammable object. Do not blow it out as that can symbolize you stopping your intention in its tracks.

Express gratitude to the universe, your guides, or any other spiritual entities you work with.

Leave the candle and any associated items undisturbed in your sacred space until you feel the energy has fully dissipated; let your intuition guide when it is time to discard of remains.

If it’s a several day candle:

You’ll want to continue setting your intention for the days to come until you have fully used up your candle. (Several day candles are useful for when your spell requires a lot of strength, every day your spell will get stronger and stronger.)

If your candle is completely used up:

You may discard the remains. Candle wax should be separated and thrown in a disposal bin, any herbs and ashes can be discarded back to the soil; if possible. If salt was used it is best to not discard in the soil as that can mess with the ph level of the soil and thus messing with Mother Nature. For salt discards, trying throwing your remains in the toilet, close the lid and then flush. 


Candle magic is a beautiful way for witches to manifest their desires and intentions. By following these steps and conducting candle spells with focus, intention, and respect, you can tap into the transformative power of candle magic. As with any form of spellwork, it is important to remember to use your own intuition, adapt rituals to suit your personal practice, and always approach magic with a clear heart and mind.